

The Alpha course explores the big questions of life and the Christian faith and is a great start for anyone who is curious and seeking to know more about God. We run Alpha on-site and online separately.


Alpha on-site starts with a free dinner together, followed by a short time of worship and notices, a video topic, a short supper, and then concludes with a time of review and discussion. It is a (usually) 10-week course that includes a weekend away. At the end of the course, we will have a special celebration dinner to celebrate the guests and the course.

We have Alpha groups meeting on-site during the school term. Courses begin at the start of the term.

Greenlane: Tuesdays 7 pm
East: Thursdays 7.30 pm


Our Alpha Online groups are not restricted to Tuesdays! We try to provide a range of times to suit all lifestyles. If we don’t currently have a group that works for your schedule, grab a friend or two, let us know and we’ll give you everything you need to do the course yourself. We’ll let you know when key dates like the Alpha Weekend and Celebration Dinner are happening so you can join all the Alpha Groups for these crucial parts of the course.

If you would like to start a new Alpha Online, please register your interest here.